Microsoft’s Azure Cloud Full Court Press starts November 17

The full court press to get developer’s onto the Microsoft Azure Cloud starts Tuesday, November 17th at 8:30 AM PST at the Microsoft Professional Developer Conference. I’ll be there and will be blogging as it unfolds.

I believe it’ll take at least 2 years for Azure to get the sales and usage momentum needed to be successful. As you may know, the 3 big cloud vendors; Amazon, Google and Microsoft are getting their stakes in the ground (er… cloud).

This month’s Forbes Magazine covers Microsoft’s efforts here.

It’s interesting to note that Azure will be half the cost of Amazon but Google App Engine beats them all.

The cloud computing transition is going to be big. The success of Microsoft’s Azure as well as Google and Amazon is inevitable.

I wonder how old school data center companies like AboveNet and Equinix will survive.

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